Monday, January 26, 2009

An Update - Feeling Blah!

Well after an ambitious start to my mid winter "training", things have ground to a halt for about two weeks now. I have been laid low by a mysterious bug that has left me completely exhausted all day every day. It feels like I am training very hard, actually, but just making it through the day has been a bit of a challenge. It's normally, how I feel at the start of a garden vareity head-cold, but it never has progressed beyond that - it's just stayed the same, leaving me feeling tired and blah!

Called my Doctor and it's a 3 week wait to see him. I joked with the receptionist that I will have recovered from this and may be onto a completely different illnes by the time I get into see him. Would this be OK? She gave one of those terse chuckles. Anyway, I went to a near-by drop-in Clinic today and they will start running some tests. The Doctor I saw suspected that it may be a low grade viral infection that is going around. She has seen a number of people with similar symptoms. I may just have to rest up and wait it out. Frustrating.

I have been lax with the blog of late, but I have two posts that I am working on that will be up shortly. One is a follow-up to the Triathlon Drafting history that I wrote about a while back and the other is my thoughts on Lance Arnstrong's return to racing. To be sure, Armstrong draws mixed reactions and is a polarizing force in the cycling world, but I think what he has done for the sport is amazing and what he has done for Cancer Research is outstanding. Stay tuned and I will elaborate on this in more detail.

On a good note the flights have been booked for Tucson and TriFest - still have a month to go, but, we are looking forward to riding in the warm weather for a week.


Gregwh said...

I have a mutation of the same bug, except I would have to get better to die here at the end of week one. Just in case I didn't take an "active rest" phase, now I am forced to. The only bright spot for me is the timing, better than right before an A race.
There are better days ahead. Greg

Steve Fleck said...

Hang in there, Greg!

We need to be healthy to train well.

Indeed, better days are ahead.

Thanks for reading.