Thursday, February 26, 2009


I'm am giving Twitter a bit of a test drive. It's been fun so far. I think that Twitter and the Livestrong organization must have some sort of deal as Lance Armstrong was one of the people that I was automatically "Following". Something must be going on as, Lance has, as of tonight 185,000 followers on Twitter.

Believe it or not their are Twitter rankings - who knew? See more here:

The cool thing is, when you set things up, your own posts or "Tweets" in Twitter parlance, can appear right next to Lance's on your home page - which is kinda neat.

Anyway, my Twitter up-dates, for what they are worth, can be found at:

I have a ways to go to catch up to Mr Armstrong on the Followers front.

We'll see how it goes. Hard to know how different this is from the "What Are You Doing Now" header on your Facebook page.

Great - more social networking web-2.0 stuff

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